Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the world's largest industrial countries


                        the world's largest industrial countries

 In order to have a comparison, Mr. Yam also deliberately poured from a thermos bottle in a cup of hot water, he tested a bit, and then hot water temperature of only 36 degrees Celsius, obviously thermos insulation effect is not very satisfactory. Yam will be half a glass of 36 degrees Celsius, 4.3 degrees Celsius water and half a cup of liquid put together outside the office windowsill. Every 10 minutes he would look at the temperature measurement. A result, he was surprised to find that, after half an hour, then half a glass of water has been reduced to 1.2 degrees Celsius, while half a glass of milky white liquid that the temperature was 4.3 degrees Celsius. After one hour, then end up with half a glass of water above the already thin layer of world of warcraft power leveling, and that half a glass of milky liquid temperature was 4.3 degrees Celsius. Why is it so?

A commonly asked question from new pet owners (level 10 hunters) is how I feed my pet. To feed your pet open up your pack to see the item you are going to feed them. This simple experiment based on his view, this milky white liquid is even higher specific heat than water many times, of course, in order to arrive at an accurate figure is also the need for longer accurate test. The test result overturned common-sense physics, namely, the specific heat of water is the world's largest substance. So why such a milky white liquid specific heat specific heat than water, but also greatly? Yam already has a conclusion in aion power leveling. He knows the specific heat of water is largely because the water there is associating molecule, when the water heated, you should consume a lot of heat to make the association of molecular dissociation, and then to make the water temperature. He just observed using ultra-vision when the liquid molecule found that there are more kinds of milky white liquid more closely associating molecule, when it is heated even more when they need to consume more calories to make one of the association molecular dissociation. The reason why it does not increase the temperature it is only because of its association not completely dissociated molecules, Yam believed that as long as the heat long enough, this milky white liquid temperature will rise. When it intermolecular finished the release of latent heat, its temperature would slow down. Mr. Yam first thought, the white liquid can build natural temperature storage, and its specific heat so great, can be kept at four degrees Celsius year round about, it is not frozen fruits and vegetables do best temperature? It is especially precious is that it should not consume energy, no pollution. According to this line of thought would like to open to, any extraordinary find that the white liquid can also be used to make no refrigerator, no electric air conditioning.

This would be huge market ah? Yam remembered that he saw on the network a group of the investigation report, the above mentioned D States 39 million households, refrigerators, freezers and air-conditioning power consumption by all household consumption accounts for about 40 percent, per year of 54 billion kHz. 1 kHz price of electricity by 6 cents per, then the D is only one country in runescape power leveling, air conditioning, freezers power on M must spend more than 3 billion Yuan. It also is only a D country, if coupled with other EU countries, it will save electricity each year going to pay more than 50 billion Yuan M it? Moreover, there is one of the world's largest industrial countries, M country? There are other countries in the world, and this is how big a market bar. If not abroad, these countries, just say that Z bar country markets. In recent years, the sustained tension of the domestic electricity supply, many places have blackouts.

the relative news below

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